Latest Updates
Maintenance Release
Over the the course of September, we have been busy looking at the outstanding Pull Requests (PRs) and will be creating a maintenance release, once all testing has been completed. We anticipate this release will be available during the first week of October.
SuiteCRM 8 Developer Masterclass
This month saw the introduction of the first set of SuiteCRM 8 Masterclasses, which you can find out more about here.
To compliment the series we will also be releasing a series of YouTube videos aimed at developers to help them learn more about SuiteCRM 8, the first of which you can find here.
What’s Next?
Hacktoberfest 2023
With October just around the corner, it must mean only one thing – Hacktoberfest. And this year is doubly special, as not only is it the 10th Hacktoberfest, but it is also SuiteCRM’s 10th anniversary.
Therefore we would like to ask you, our fantastic community to once again, get involved and raise as many PRs for the SuiteCRM project as you can and our in-house development team will review and merge as many of these as possible before the end of October.
For more information on Hacktoberfest 2023, please check out our blog post here.
SuiteCRM 8.5
The work for the next feature release, SuiteCRM 8.5 is now well underway, where the primary focus for the team is upgrading the underlying platforms with Angular being updated to version 16 and Symfony to 5.4 LTS.
In addition we are working at introducing Quick Filters to the List Views of all modules, to give users easier access to filter records in the way they do most often.
For more information on future releases, please check the Roadmap.