As an open-source project, it’s vital that we engage with our community’s needs and feedback towards, not only the project itself but the involvement surrounding it. That is why we are excited to be launching the SuiteCRM Community Survey!
This survey will aim to explore the views and experiences of our SuiteCRM community members when interacting with the project, its teams, and other members.
The results will help us and the community team to further improve community platforms and provide a more enriching experience for our members. Strengthening what is important and finally discovering the main areas of improvement to allow members to contribute and collaborate with us and the wider community.
What’s more, as part of our continuous commitment to open source, we pledge £250 to the open-source collective’s most nominated OS project by our community members. To check out the full list of awesome open source collectives, click here.
The survey will be open until 31st August 2021. The results will be made public alongside the proposed actions based on the feedback. The winner of the most nominated open-source collective award will also be announced at this point.
We would encourage as many members as possible to share their thoughts and help us make the community better for everyone!
Thank you from the community team.
*Only open source software (OSS) that have an Open Collective account will be included.
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