Latest Updates
Maintenance Release
What a busy few months it has been putting the latest feature releases together! These releases took longer than first anticipated and we were very pleased to announce their availability earlier this week.
In both SuiteCRM 7.14 and 8.4 we now support PHP up to v8.2 along with the long-awaited upgrade to Smarty v4, the underlying templating engine in 7.x. Overall, the platform received a significant overhaul that positions it well for the future.
The SuiteCRM 8.4 release included other enhancements, including a redesign of the Navigation Bar to improve usability and reduce the space used at the top of the screen. Developer improvements allow for further customisation of the application. There is also the introduction of a Useful Bar, which gives the user the ability to Save, Edit, Create, etc, no matter where you are on a page.
For more information on the latest releases check out the full announcement here.
What’s Next?
Pull Request Focus
With all the work it took to achieve the 7.14 and 8.4 php upgrade, we now see that we haven’t been able to give the Pull Requests (PRs) the attention we and the community would have liked. However, we are now entering a phase where we can make a commitment to doing so.
We are therefore trying to make the process as efficient as possible by collaborating with the community and training additional team members to handle PRs. To start with we will be working towards the next maintenance release, scheduled for week beginning 25th September.
Along with the PRs, we also have plans to solve some of the known issues and further updates to improve the documentation.
Hacktoberfest 2023
As this year marks Hacktoberfest’s tenth anniversary, we are thrilled to be taking part once more. In the coming month, make sure to keep an eye on our social media channels for the build-up to the main event, which will begin in October. Happy hacking!
SuiteCRM 8.5
Following on from the 8.4 release, the next major release will be 8.5 and work is already well underway with the upgrade to the underlying platforms Symfony and Angular, as well as some key performance improvements.
Please keep an eye on the Roadmap, as we will be updating it shortly with the planned enhancements and timeline of upcoming releases.