Alpha Preview II – SuiteCRM 8 List View

In our 2nd Alpha Preview, we will release and demonstrate the 1st phase of the List View component. As well as rendering the new List View completely in Angular we’ve added a new Chart component. This component will eventually replace the other charts in SuiteCRM. Currently, there are 3 list view charts; Accounts, Leads and Opportunities.

Included in this release is our basic search filter however our new Advance Filter is due for release in a later phase. Building on the work in our previous Alpha Preview the SuiteCRM 8 List View elements seamlessly integrate with the SuiteCRM 7 components.

  • New List View UI

  • New “Basic” Filter Design

  • List View Data retrievable via API

  • List View Charts

  • New Chart Engine

  • New Fields rendering in Angular

  • List View Pagination

  • Core Bulk Actions

Additional List View elements will be added at our Beta phase. For more information on what will be showcased in each preview, visit our Roadmap.