Latest Updates
Maintenance Release
With the upcoming maintenance release, which we are aiming to release in the second week of November, we will be including fixes for some important and more minor issues which also include a number of the community’s Pull Requests.
In addition, with the security of SuiteCRM always being one of our top priorities, there are a few security issues we will be addressing in the maintenance release, so be prepared for that also.
SuiteCRM 8.5
The main focus for this SuiteCRM release was to update the underlying platform, with upgrades to Angular 16 and Symfony 5.4 set to be included. In addition to these platform upgrades, we will also be introducing Quick Filters onto List Views and improvements to the login process, with an aim to to increase the usability and performance of the application. You can expect to get your hands on this release towards the start of December.
Hacktoberfest 2023
Well done to everyone who go involved in Hacktoberfest 10! During the month we received several Pull Requests that were processed as part of Hacktoberfest, and which will be included in the upcoming maintenance release. Thank you to everyone who contributed, it is much appreciated.
New SuiteCRM 8 YouTube Video
We have added another new video to our YouTube channel in support of the new SuiteCRM 8 focused Developer Masterclass series. The new series gives a great introduction for any developer who wants to get to know more about working with SuiteCRM 8. If you want to find out more about the new Masterclass Series you can go here
Otherwise, this month’s YouTube video is a snippet from the new series showing you how to configure bulk actions in SuiteCRM 8, which you will find here.
What’s Next?
SuiteCRM 8.6
Plans are well underway for the next big release – SuiteCRM 8.6, and in this release we are aiming to continue to bring many improvements to a number of areas. The key focus on this release will be on Usability of the application, with an aim to improving navigation among other things. We also plan to look at making the install process easier and there are plans for a continued focus on performance. Once we have finalised the plans, this will be updated on the Roadmap, along with the expected Release Date, so watch out for that very soon.