Welcome to the SuiteCRM Monthly Roundup, where you will learn about all that has been happening in the world of SuiteCRM over the past month, and what is on the horizon for our world-class open source CRM. Check it out below.

Latest Updates

Monthly Roundup May 2024 - Maintenance Release

Maintenance Release

The latest maintenance release for SuiteCRM 7.14.4 and 8.6.1 is nearing completion and will be available in the next couple of weeks. This update includes PRs and several important security fixes.

Monthly Roundup May 2024 - Developer Insights

SuiteCRM Developer Insights – Adding Service Decorators

This month saw the publication of the most recent Developer Insights video, which examined the addition of Service Decorators, which allows you to add several extensions to the same class. To learn how to add a Service Decorator and extend the core classes, along with a code example to help you get started, click here.

Monthly Roundup May 2024 - GitHub

GitHub Changes

In May, we saw a change to the ‘New Issue’ template on GitHub making it easier for you to report issues to us. Choosing the ‘New Issue’ button now brings up a list of options for the many kinds of problems you might run into and want to tell us about. We hope you find this useful.

What’s New?

Next Release


We are continuing to work on the next feature release, 8.7, and aim to have it available in July. This release continues to introduce some of the missing features from Suite 7 into Suite 8, as we draw closer to the completion of levelling up the SuiteCRM journey.



For SuiteCRM 8.8 we will be looking at 2FA and upgrading Angular. Additionally, we will begin working on enhancing the Campaigns module. As this will be a larger project, we will be completing it in phases, so we will be continuing it into version 8.9. Stay up to date by visiting the Roadmap page.