Pedro (@pgr/ @pgorod), a highly regarded member of our community has been a dedicated supporter of the SuiteCRM project for many years. He has developed powerful add-ons like PowerWorkflows, PowerFields, and PowerReplacer, which could be accessed via his Sponsorware Github profile and used to supercharge our software, pushing its functionality to new heights for our users and community alike.

In recent years, we established our Open Collective profile, inviting community members to contribute financially to the project. Thanks to this initiative, we’ve built a fund that will be used to fuel innovation within SuiteCRM. The moment has arrived to leverage this resource, and an exciting opportunity to collaborate with Pedro has emerged.

Through this partnership, Pedro’s valuable add-ons will be integrated directly into SuiteCRM’s core, making them open source and freely accessible to all. This is what he had to say about the collaboration with SuiteCRM:

Jeremy from Zits“I’m excited to be deepening my collaboration with the SuiteCRM community, a project I’ve been passionate about for many years. Having worked with the company before and seen its evolution, it’s an honour to contribute further by integrating my add-ons directly into SuiteCRM’s core.

All of this would not have been possible without the community and my former sponsor’s support, for which I am immensely thankful. Their backing has allowed me to develop and maintain tools like PowerWorkflows, PowerFields, and PowerReplacer. Now, I’m looking forward to adapting these solutions for SuiteCRM v8, ensuring they continue to enhance the platform’s capabilities and user experience.”

By utilizing contributions from our Open Collective, we will be able to fairly compensate Pedro for his time and efforts. This collaboration not only strengthens SuiteCRM as a platform but also lays the foundation for future innovation, enriching the experience for everyone involved.

With your financial support we can continue to innovate and evolve the application better and faster, to make SuiteCRM the best and most accessible CRM in the world! Become a sponsor today!