SalesAgility at the ScotlandPHP 2018 Conference
At the recent ScotlandPHP 2018 conference held in Edinburgh on Saturday October 6th the team from SalesAgilty, who were also one of the event’s sponsors, enjoyed a good day filled with excellent thought provoking talks.
Amongst the keynote speakers Nils Adermann co-creator of Composer articulated some of its key dependency management and autoloading features. For the uninitiated Composer is the new standard in PHP to efficiently manage project development version updates and bug fixes.
“Previously downloading third party software from the Github was time consuming and often involved using large libraries and many people to double check we were actually using the latest available version” according to Matt Lorimer, Head of Development at SalesAgility.
A key point made by Adermann was that having a solution that automatically checks you are installing the most up to date version significantly improves the productivity of individuals or Open Source development companies that use composer for their project work. “Within SalesAgility we actively use Composer to support SuiteCRM development but in the future I can see an even greater scope for its use to reinforce our continued focus on innovation throughout our go to market processes and customer offer” commented Dale Murray, CEO of SalesAgility.
SalesAgility is the company behind SuiteCRM the world’s preferred Open Source CRM Solution.
SuiteCRM is the world’s most popular Open Source CRM with over 900,000 downloads and an estimated 4.5 million users world wide. Key features include sales, marketing and service modules. SalesAgility is the driving force behind SuiteCRM and the logical option for enterprises and organisations looking for world class professional SuiteCRM services, such as migrations, consulting or training.
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