Sell smarter, sell more

Connect every channel and create valuable customer experiences using SuiteCRM for the Retail sector.

The Perfect CRM for the Retail Sector

Personalise customer experiences at every touchpoint using SuiteCRM to grow a loyal brand following.  Using the rich customer data held within the system, a 360-degree overview of your entire customer base, is always at your team’s fingertips. Allowing them to always know the best way to reach out and nurture your clients.

SuiteCRM for retail
SuiteCRM for retail

Personalise the customer journey, build valuable relationships

Build customer rich profiles that can be used by your teams to create profitable relationships with your clients. SuiteCRM enables this by allowing you to track customers across multiple channels and reach them using the platforms they use the most.

SuiteCRM for retail

Bridge the gap between retail systems and customer experiences

Wholesome, effortless shopping experiences will be the result once you have connected both your commerce and retail systems together. Teams will be empowered to engage with customers even after their sale has gone through to ensure they are happy with their purchase. Keeping the relationship strong and demonstrating value for the customer.

SuiteCRM for retail

Promote staff to service champions

Blur the lines between online and in-store shopping today by empowering employees with real-time customer insights that will allow them to transform in-store service.

SuiteCRM for retail

Serve your customers faster

SuiteCRM for the retail sector allows you to please your customers by providing real-time answers to any questions they have regarding your products via any channel. Sell smarter, sell more.

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SuiteAssured for retail
SuiteAssured for retail

SuiteASSURED delivers the freedoms, quality and innovation of Open Source CRM with the security, warranties and indemnities of proprietary software.

It is the world’s first assurance program for Open Source CRM systems and provides you with a total care package for your CRM needs.