Creating a new scheduler action In Scheduler Module inorder to automatically run geocode count CRON

I am trying to create a new scheduler action In the Scheduler Module in order to automatically run geocode count CRON. I am using the Windows server and XAMPP to host Suite CRM.

I have tried as per documentation. But it failed.

Please suggest me which is the best way or step to get a successful result.

To Run a CRON Job please follow the following steps:
1: Enable main CRON job in your server CRON TAB settings
. You can do this by “crontab -e” command.
Go to “Admin>>Scheduler” and copy the line to put the CRON entry into the server CRON TAB

2: Allow the related USER/USERS to run the CRON Job in “config.php” file

'allowed_cron_users' => 
    array (
      0 => 'www-data',
      1 => abcd,

3: Go to “custom/modules/scheduler” and edit the file _add_jobs_here.php and simply follow this guide

4: Go to “Admin>>Scheduler” and

create your scheduler Job
Set interval for it
Set name for the job
Mark it as active

and here you go………………… :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

To check if the CRON is working you can put the logs into your CRON job function/code

Thanks a lot

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My CRON Jobs are running except for the geocode count scheduler that I created. Below are details I have given for the scheduler.

is the file accessible via URL?
Can you please set values for Active from and Active To fields.

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When I click the link from geocode count module, it gives a blank page but it updates the value.

Sure, will try adding Active from and Active To fields.

My Error log was:

“Job failed: ./index.php?module=jjwg_Maps&entryPoint=jjwg_Maps&cron=1”
“Job ddd00251-f9c1-a868-ab50-5dc3302c649c (Geocode CRON) failed in CRON run”

I was able to solve the issue by adding

$exJob[1] = str_replace(“amp;”,"",$exJob[1]); removes “amp;” strings from URL in SchedulersJob.php (Refer

as well as Job URL: in the scheduler as:


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OK. So nice.

Thank you. [Chuckles]
I had the same problem and entering the full URL, now works
