Translate "Please Reply Above this line"


How to modify (to translate) the line “=====Please Reply above this line========” which is automatically sent by email for ticket management

It’s not a email template.

Thank you for the help because I’ve been looking for a long time already

Version 7.10.12

You need to customize this app string

include/language/en_us.lang.php:2906:$app_strings['LBL_AOP_EMAIL_REPLY_DELIMITER'] = '========== Please reply above this line ==========';


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Thanks ! Perfect

in fact not really perfect…

I thought it was enough to replace the line in en_us.lang.php but that I modify it causes an error (ajax I think)

How to apply it in my language pack (fr)

I read the documentation but I do not see what else to do

To explain more my issue : to translate ======please reply above this line========

I follow

1- I created a file “fr_FR.mod.php” in / witch contain

$app_strings['LBL_AOP_EMAIL_REPLY_DELIMITER'] = '========== Merci de répondre au dessus de cette ligne ==========';

2- Doc says launch a quick repair (Normally compile my file “fr_FR.mod.php” in the directory ./custom/application/Ext/Language/fr_FR.lang.ext.php

3- But nothing is happening

I’ve tried to modify directly ./include/language/en_us.lang.php but now i know it’s wrong and generat an error (windows error with just {“content”:"

I want just translate few words…


This should be working, there must be some small detail breaking it…

just to make sure I understand you, after QR&R you don’t see a generated ./custom/application/Ext/Language/fr_FR.lang.ext.php that includes your string?

Yes exactly.
I even tried to create the folder “langage” in ./custom/application/Ext/ but with no more success

You might have a problem with permissions - SuiteCRM perhaps can’t read your file, or can’t write the new one.

Have you been looking at your logs?

you’re right…
Errors in log :

Suitecrm.log :

Sun May 26 21:06:07 2019 [13778][1][FATAL] *** FOLDERS: addBean() is trying to save to a non-saved or non-existent folder

Mon May 27 01:53:38 2019 [31891][-none-][FATAL] ambiguous user email address

Mon May 27 06:35:31 2019 [25607][e2a93033-8676-1e69-b92f-5ca31f9c6775][FATAL] A language key does not found: [ERR_FIELD_FROM_IS_NOT_SET]

Mon May 27 06:35:31 2019 [25607][e2a93033-8676-1e69-b92f-5ca31f9c6775][FATAL] A language key does not found: [ERR_FIELD_FROM_ADDR_NAME_DOESNT_MATCH_REGEX]

Mon May 27 06:35:31 2019 [25607][e2a93033-8676-1e69-b92f-5ca31f9c6775][FATAL] A language key does not found: [ERR_FIELD_FROM_ADDR_NAME_IS_INVALID]

Mon May 27 10:07:56 2019 [10358][-none-][FATAL] ambiguous user email address

And for the permission
Folder in 0755 and file 0644

I thing is ok

If that is ok or not, depends also on the file ownerships, make sure you check those.

A typical problem is you logging in via FTP or SSH as root, editing a file, and that file is now owned by root, making the permissions insufficient for the web server to read and write.