mismatch between bean api and direct sql query

Hi All
so I am having some problems with events and locations

within a script I am trying to get a list of events for a location which intersects with a period I specify

like so

    $events = $location->get_linked_beans(
      "fp_events.date_start >= CONVERT('{$period['dateStart']}', DATETIME) AND fp_events.date_end =< CONVERT('{$period['dateEnd']}', DATETIME)"

lets say I set dateStart and dateEnd to ‘2019-04-23 16:00:00’
and there is an event with these values
start date: 2018-09-20 09:00:00
end date: 2018-09-20 16:00:00

the above php will return this event record.

If I was to run the following query however

  l.name AS 'location',
  e.name AS 'event',
  e.date_start AS 'start date',
  e.date_end AS 'end date',
  e.date_start >= CONVERT('2019-04-23 16:00:00', DATETIME) AS'bool 1',
  e.date_end <= CONVERT('2019-04-23 16:00:00', DATETIME) AS 'bool 2',
  e.date_start >= CONVERT('2019-04-23 16:00:00', DATETIME) && e.date_end <=CONVERT('2019-04-23 16:00:00', DATETIME) AS 'bool 3'
  FROM `fp_event_locations` AS l
LEFT JOIN fp_event_locations_fp_events_1_c AS le ONle.fp_event_locations_fp_events_1fp_event_locations_ida = l.id
LEFT JOIN fp_events AS e ON le.fp_event_locations_fp_events_1fp_events_idb = e.id
WHERE e.deleted = 0
AND l.deleted = 0
AND le.deleted = 0
AND e.id = 'record id'

this returns

[td]start date[/td]
[td]end date[/td]
[td]bool 1[/td]
[td]bool 2[/td]
[td]bool 3[/td]
[td]First Floor - F8 - Classroom[/td]
[td]Project Management[/td]
[td]2018-09-20 09:00:00[/td]
[td]2018-09-20 16:00:00[/td]
looking at bool 3, you can see that this record should not have been returned from the get_linked_beans function used above.

am I doing something wrong?

turns out to be a syntax error. hate those pesky apostrophes