Simple Workflow Examples - Anyone got Any?

Hi Everyone

Just got the system set up and I am cracking into workflows and I was wondering if anyone had any simple workflows that set up that where quite useful and wanted to share?

I am still working them out and attempting to set one up to notify on clients birthdays 1 week before to send card with Task and call a week after the birthday.

:slight_smile: I really like how it makes it nice and simple :smiley:

Looking forward to your examples.


Hi, welcome.

I spend a lot of time on this Community and I’ve never seen someone set up a list of Workflow examples. Normally you just get threads about specific things someone is trying.

So you can either Google for loose examples, or you can put your Workflow up here and ask for specific help to achieve what you want.

Also might be worth taking a look at the documentation site which contains a few tutorials/examples:

Thank you for the replys.

I noticed there didn’t seem to be a repository of useful workflows that can help (that I can find) and thought it might be fun to share ones that work well.

I am ok setting mine up, was more of an FYI type question :slight_smile:



We can build up that list in this thread. Post your own, and other people can post theirs… I do think it’s a good idea.

When there is a nice list of useful workflows, I’ll make a blog post about it :slight_smile:

This would be a great idea for techs trying to learn the system. I will be keeping an eye on this thread.