Outbound email from field incorrectly being filled in


I was wondering if anyone had come across the below issue as recorded in the github repository and managed to resolve it.

[outgoing emails] From field incorectly filled #5749

When sending an email, the From field isn’t filled with the sender’s name.
When sending an email, the From field isn’t filled with the sender’s name. It’s even sometimes filled with something else.
Expected Behavior
When I send an email, I should have
From: User’s Sender Name user@email
Actual Behavior
When I send a new email, using the user’s outbound email account, I got either
From: system-account@ email user@email
From: user@email
When I reply to an email, using the user’s outbound email account, I got
From: original-sender@email user@email
When I forward an email, using the user’s outbound email account, I got
From: original-sender@email user@email

Help would really be appreciated.


Oh I am using version 7.10.4