I want to show today's modifided data in list view for particular role or user.. How Can i do this?

I have candidate module in that candidate module if briefer is login then i want to show in list view which record candidate status is turn up and modified date is today. How can i do this?? please help me for this.

I don’t understand very well what you’re saying… but maybe this will help:

Change SQL query for subpanel:

With that you can put any query you want for a subpanel, so you should be able to put in all the conditions you need.

I have one user name is briefer. For that user only i want to show particular data in list view. Condition is modified date is today and status is turn up. This i want to show in list view of that user login.

Ok, now I understand better. Your case seems very similar to this recent thread:


There is a solution there near the end. Of course, you need to change the code to use your own logic.