Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered


Après avoir installé et réinstallé suitecrm 7.9.9 sous Windows 10 avec Wamp, j’ai cette foule d’erreur qui s’affiche :

Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered in C:\wamp64\www\include\ListView\ListViewSmarty.php on line 103

Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered in C:\wamp64\www\include\ListView\ListViewSmarty.php on line 109

De plus l’ajout de dashlet ne fonctionne pas. Une fenêtre s’ouvre mais rien ne se passe.

Ce sera vraiment sympa que quelqu’un puisse m’aider parce que j’ai fait plein de recherches mais je n’arrive à rien.


I can understand french, but I’m no good writing in French. I hope you can understand english :slight_smile:

PHP notices are safe to ignore. They shouldn’t break any functionality.

Anyway, in XAMPP on Windows sometimes it’s necessary to go into php.ini and add this:

display_errors = Off
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Thanks for your fast answer.

I modify php.ini in \wamp64\bin\php\php7.1.9 and restarted services but errors are still visibles.

When you go into Admin / Diagnostics and get the output from phpinfo, is that the path of the php.ini it’s loading?

Sometimes there is more than one php.ini in one system.

Another thing, are you sure you don’t have any other errors in your logs? In both suitecrm.log and your web server log:

it’s ok Mister PGR. Thx.

Just done by clicking on wamp green icon ->php 7.1.9 -> Configuration PHP -> display errors. :stuck_out_tongue:

And this is the good link for my php.ini :


And what about adding dashlets ?

Adding dashlets should work, of course.

Start by trying a Admin / Repair / Quick Repair and Rebuild

Then check your logs at the time of the attempt to add dashlets.

If there’s also nothing there, check your browser’s Developer console and report the error.

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You’re right.

Everythings work now.

Thanks for your help. :kiss: :slight_smile: