add line items in Opportunties

I have tried one of method for adding line items for opportunities .
Cloning of Contracts Module but it does not work for me i have renamed all of the AOS_contracts words with AOS_opportunities and registers module link for modules.php at include/modules.php

Please suggest me either
Cloning a module method.
method or process of customization to add just line items in opportunity existing module and also mention which file needs to be customized for it.

I am New to SuiteCRM it will be highly appreciable for me.

Hi adeelzauq,

This is not something that can be easily done. I would suggest you hire professional help to carry out a modification like that.

Thanks for your reply Andy.

I have almost done by cloning of contract module by adding relationships with Quotes Products and Items Group at vardefs under module directory. and also i have added lint items for edit and detail viewdefs.

and also i have tried customization of opportunity module by adding same relationships at vardefs and customizing editviewdefs and detailviewdefs. I will inform you when get struck any where.

Very simple.

simply replace the code that I have attached with this thread.

Complete list of files modified are:

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Hi Uarshad

Can you give us more information?


I have been send u an email to check!!

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If you are still looking for it or some other user. This ready-made add-on Opportunity Line Item may help you.

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Thanks urdhva tech,

Yes It works as expected!

i gonna add line items into contact module
what should i do?
Could you help me?

There is no simple way out to get it quick. You will require customization to get the line items for contact module.

Where is the attached file?

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