Replicate Invitees sub-panel from Meetings/Calls

I am trying to create a custom module that could have Invitees sub-panel(Invitees and Scheduling) like in Meetings and Calls module. Can anybody know a way to achieve this in an upgrade safe manner? I have searched the internet but wasn’t able to find anything. Maybe I am not looking into right direction. Help please.

This won’t be an easy task, at all. Those panels are not standard module functionality, they require a lot of Javascript and to get them working from a different screen is a development task, and not for newbies I would say.

Can’t you just use the normal modules as they come?

Thanks for the quick reply.

Yes, I can understand that it will be a tough one JS dev task, I am trying to learn how that actually works. I figured that our that these panels are being rendered in footer templates, I just wanted to know if someone has already done that; could point me to a direction.

I can’t use the standard modules. I am trying to learn how to do this in a custom module.

Ok, good luck with that :slight_smile:

I never saw any tutorial of such a complex task. SuiteCRM can be pretty complicated because of the way everything is customizable, and all screens are built from several layers of metadata.

But it’s open-source, everything is out in the open, so of course you can move code around from existing screens into your custom module and then patch up whatever breaks.