Add condition field from custom Product module

I’m trying to add a condition in file line_items.js in the function insertProductLine() in the sqs_objects, but it dosen’t work…

I’ve read that you can’t add a condition on custom field… Is that right? If not, can someone help me to solve my problem?
(I’ve created a checkbox field in the product module. The name is activ_c, it checks if the product is activated or not)

My code is the following :

sqs_objects["product_name[" + prodln + "]"] = {
        "form": "EditView",
        "method": "query",
        "modules": ["AOS_Products"],
        "group": "or",
        "field_list": ["name", "id","part_number", "cost", "price","description","currency_id"],
        "populate_list": ["product_name[" + prodln + "]", "product_product_id[" + prodln + "]", "product_part_number[" + prodln + "]", "product_product_cost_price[" + prodln + "]", "product_product_list_price[" + prodln + "]", "product_item_description[" + prodln + "]", "product_currency[" + prodln + "]"],
        "required_list": ["product_id[" + prodln + "]"],
        "conditions": [{
            "name": "name",
            "op": "like_custom",
            "end": "%",
            "value": ""
            "name": "actif_c",
            "op": "like_custom",
            "end": "%",
            "value": ""
        "order": "name",
        "limit": "30",
        "post_onblur_function": "formatListPrice(" + prodln + ");",
        "no_match_text": "No Match"

Thanks for help!