Show Knowledge Base on Portal?

Per the 7.4 release info,
“The portal component(AOP) has been extended to include knowledge base functionality, with the ability to add a knowledge base article to display all knowledge base records.”

I cannot figure out how to accomplish this. Has anyone succeeded?

I have the Joomla portal running, with menu links for Home, Create Case and My Cases. I’ve poked around at adding an article, adding a menu item, anything for adding the Knowledge Base to the portal, and I don’t see how to do it…

We’re on PHP 5.3.9 which limits us to Joomla 2.5.x. Has that version of the Joomla Portal extension been updated to handle this functionality?

Thanks in advance

you’re right, there’s no new menu

best regards

Is there any followup on this?

We would be very interested to use the knowledgebase in conjunction with the the Portal

I just went looking for this and it seems the feature wasn’t released, it’s still sitting here:

It would be great to get this working, and published. Does anybody in this thread have sufficient interest to pursue this and try it? I know it’s been a LONG time since you asked, but anyway I thought I would venture asking :slight_smile:

Hi Darrelh,

At AppJetty, we have SuiteCRM customer portal with feature of knowledge base. It shows all of the articles that are available to your customers. Customers will be able to access knowledge base articles based on their categories or search the articles without login. Customers can view all their meetings and calls scheduled for the day, week or the whole month in calendar view.
