Dashlet problem

How to add webpage as default dashlet ?

There is no “default dashlet” concept.

If you mean simply add a webpage on the home screen, just click “Add dashlet” on the top right of your home screen, then select the “Web” tab, enter the URL and save.

There exists an option to define default dashlets in ‘modules/home/dashlets.php’
To do this, you will first have to create a custom iFrame dashlet which will hold the URL of your webpage. SuiteCRM 7.3 version had SugarNewsDashlet which was a default iFrame dashlet showing the home page of SuiteCRM, if you wish make one like it.

Next copy over the dashlets.php to ‘custom/modules/home/’ and add another entry to $defaultDashlets array

It’ll look something like

$defaultDashlets =array (
  'MessageDashlet' => 'Home',
  'MyCallsDashlet' => 'Calls',
  'MyMeetingsDashlet' => 'Meetings',
  'MyOpportunitiesDashlet' => 'Opportunities',
  'MyAccountsDashlet' => 'Accounts',
  'MyLeadsDashlet' => 'Leads',
  'YourWebPageDashletName' => 'Home',

Let me know if it works.