In which file dropdown editor values are stored in suitecrm.

I’m using suitecrm 7.7 version.

Before that I used suitecrm 7.3. I got some problems in suitecrm 7.3 so moved to suitecrm 7.7 but backend i’m using same old database only.

I’ve created some of the dropdowns in suitecrm 7.3 dropdown editor. I want to import those dropdown lists to suitecrm 7.7

Please tell me in which file dropdown editor values are stored.

I really have done this but don’t remember where the file is. I think it is at /custom/include/language/en_us.php but not sure.
So i will show you how I found it :slight_smile:
Do you use Notepad++? If not start now! It is totally free and powerful.
Download it from here here
Then make a local backup(yours computer hard drive) of all the files of suitecrm.
Install notepad++ and open an empty file. Press CTRL+F and select the “Find in Files” tab.
In “Find What:” write a value of a dropdown list that is probably less to find in other files.
And at “Directory:” point the local backup copy you created earlier and click on "Find All’.
It will take some time for search to complete but in the end there will be a list with all the files that are containing
With i little search from your own you will find the right file.


Got thank you.
Thanks for the solution.

Hi, Thank you for the information. I am looking for a similar scenario to access the drop down values file. I followed the steps that you mentioned and landed upon a file in the following directory \custom\application\Ext\Language\en_us.lang.ext.php.

Is this file are you referring to ?

I am trying to install another instance of SuiteCRM in another machine and my custom created module has a large number of drop downs and instead of creating them again i would like to copy paste the drop down values from the path --> \custom\application\Ext\Language\en_us.lang.ext.php to another instance. Once i copy the drop down values all my drop downs are getting updated. When i try to add a relationship or perform a repair/rebuild all the drop down values which i copied are getting erased in en_us.lang.ext.php

Is there a solution for exporting the custom created drop downs ?


All you have to do is copy from \custom\application\Ext\Language\en_us.lang.ext.php to /include/language/en_us.lang.php.
This should work