I can not set "Enable Calendar Sync"

Hi everyone,

I installed CRMSuite version 7.11 RC2 and I have the following problem:

  • I have configured CRMSuite to synchronize with Google calendars according to the instructions at the link: https://docs.suitecrm.com/admin/administration-panel/google-sync/
  • I select “Enable Calendar Sync” and click on “Save” (see Attachment ‘crmsuiteCalSync.jpg - Action 1’);
  • after clicking on ‘Save’, the ‘crmsuiteCalSync.jpg - Action 2’ screen appears;
  • when I return to “Admin -> Profile -> Advanced”, “Enable Calendar Sync” is disabled (see Attachment ‘crmsuiteCalSync.jpg - Action 3’).

Synchronization with calendars Google does not work, what can I do?
Thank you.

It’s fixed in the upcoming version, see here:


Is there a scheduled date for the next update?

Hi there,
that has been resolved in the 7.11.0 release which is out now. We are scheduling a 7.11.1 release though this week so if you wanted to wait on that it also contains that fix.

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