SuiteCRM 7.11 RC

Hi Everyone!

The latest cutting edge release candidate, SuiteCRM 7.11 RC is now available to download

This Release should Not be used in a Production Environment
Help us find the bugs and give your feedback to make this the best release so far!
The focus of SuiteCRM 7.11 is to introduce Elasticsearch and Google Calendar Sync.

[color=#ff0044]What is Elasticsearch?[/color]

Elasticsearch is an open-source, broadly-distributable, readily-scalable, enterprise-grade RESTful search engine. It provides a highly flexible solution to centrally store and index your data that can be accessed extremely quickly via its API.

Find out more on how Elasticsearch is used to enhance your data discovery

SuiteCRM + Elasticsearch = ?

By including Elasticsearch as a core search engine integration SuiteCRM will now provide users a faster and better scalable way to perform full text searches via Global Search on larger data volumes than before.

This integration also provided SalesAgility the opportunity to re-factor the legacy Search framework and encourage a more modular approach. This enables better integration with other search engines within SuiteCRM.

[color=#ff0044]What do you need to use Elasticsearch with SuiteCRM?[/color]

  • You will need an Elasticsearch instance Administrator role on SuiteCRM

  • We have added a new section to our documentation site that helps you set up a very simple Elasticsearch instance here.

[color=#ff0044]Google Calendar[/color]

Google Suite integration is a very common request made by the users of SuiteCRM. Thanks to the generosity of one of our talented community members we now have the ability to include bidirectional Google Calendar synchronisation within core SuiteCRM.

Users can authenticate using their Google login and synchronise their Meetings between a Google calendar – these include updates, reminders, and invitees. It also provides a new way to introduce more Google Suite functionality within the core SuiteCRM – so watch this space!

[color=#ff0044]What do you need to use Google Calender sync with SuiteCRM?[/color]

  • You will need a Google profile
  • A Google Calendar API Key
    Checkout the Google Calendar section on the documentation site for more information!

[color=#ff0044]Special Thanks to the Community![/color]

We would like to take this opportunity to make a big shout out thank you to all of our community members that helped contribute to this beta release and their continuous fantastic support. Finally, a very special thank you to Benjamin (@ApatheticCosmos)who has been instrumental in making possible the new Google Calender release within core SuiteCRM.

Try it out today! Download Here

Setup Json.
But as soon as i try to login through the user advanced tab, when it redirects to index.php?entryPoint=saveGoogleApiKey just give me a 403 permission issue.
Already recursively chmod all files.
Can somebody help me?

Is your site_url different? I suspect your redirect URL you identified in the Google developer console could be different.

Somehow I’ve done the sync. After several tries.
Maybe it has to do with any of these characters ( ’ " / ) in the uri validated by the entrypoint.
But now i’m having other issue.
Meetings dates are completely wrong.
My instance runs a dd/mm/yyyy date format and are syncing in google in mm/dd/yyyy.
I’m having a lot of “could not convert date from user” in suitecrm log.

I don´t know how you did it, but I did everything (authorized and configured) and I am still is not synchronized.:confused:

If anyone is looking for help/debugging with Google Sync, come to
I’ll be there for live chat.