Create Task for a Lead When Lead Hasn't Been Touched

My high-level goal is to create tasks for users if their leads haven’t been touched for a certain period of time (let’s say 14 days).

I figured I would add a custom field to the Lead - CustomModDate - that would be updated by a Workflow each time the Lead is touched, be that by a Call, Meeting, or Email. A separate Workflow would be created to check CustomModDate and create a task if it is older than 14 days (and not Closed).

I’m not having luck getting my Workflow to update CustomModDate in the Lead when a Call is logged for that Lead. I’m working on getting access to Log File, but I think my ignorance is probably the issue here.

I imagine this might be a fairly standard process for a sales organization: has anyone created anything like this that could give me some pointers? I’m particularly unclear on how I should be using the Relationship fields in building my workflow which might be some of my problem.


Let me try to help you in the below steps.

  1. Make a field “Last touch date” in Leads.
  2. Create a workflow for calls module, select it’s parent from relationship, select “Last touch date” field to make it equal to “Created On” field.
  3. Repeat #2 for meetings, tasks, emails etc.

Let me know if any further question.

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