Security Group Setup Question

I’ve got tons of records created when we weren’t using the Security Groups and Roles functionality so none of the users were assigned to any. I now need to segment the data access. I’ve got two groups, call them A and B.

Group A needs access to all the records created to this point and their own records going forward but not Group B’s records.

Group B needs access to EVERYTHING, records created to this point, Group A’s records going forward and their own.

Going forward it all works great but as soon as I assign anyone to a role, they lose access to all the records created previously when there were no security groups and roles in use.

Does this mean I need to write a script that will read all the case, task, email, etc record ids and add a relationship to the IDs for both the groups?

To my knowledge, there is no mechanism to change security groups in cascading style, in all related records of a given record. So I don’t think your scenario of “wasn’t using groups before, now I am using them” is contemplated anywhere in SuiteCRM (again - to my knowledge).

So yeah, a script (or a bunch of clever SQL INSERT INTO SELECT queries) would be the way to go.