Add custom methods and custom endpoints in SuiteCRM REST API V8


SuiteCRM version: Version 7.10.11
Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344)

I am trying to add custom endpoints in REST API V8. I follow below suitecrm documentation.

but its not working. seems like bugs in documentation and there is no sample code available in documentation.

I have check API code file and custom endpoint path is.

  // Load Custom Routes
  $customRouteFiles = (array) glob($paths->getCustomLibraryPath() . '/API/v8/route/*.php');

I have create custom endpoints in “/API/v8/route/” file but its not working.

I have check documentation available for API 4_1 to add custom API method. but not available for V8 version.

Anyone Please Suggest latest documentation links or sample code for extending endpoints and adding Custom Rest Methods in V8 . Its very difficult to
understand core API code without Proper documentation.


Did you try the sugarcrm developer guide? there’s a big section on the API and i definitely remember seeing a section about setting up custom endpoints


Thanks for your quick replay. I have check sugarcrm documentation . I have checked below documentation.

But its V_4 version and there is so many directory and folder structure with New version V8.

Its difficult to customisation without proper documentation. Would you suggest code sample or proper documentation for latest version V8.



Please see the guide I supplied in the link which is sugar 6.5 (suitecrm is based on it), the link you sent is sugar 8 which is very different.

The API examples of the sugar developer guide 6.5 should work for you.


Thank you, I have checked 6.5 documentation but its totally different. I am .working with suitecrm REST V8 version. If you have added custom endpoint/custom API methods in V8 then Please send me code sample or steps.


Thanks, that helped me as well :slight_smile:

The link below is to the exact Entry Points section:[{"num"%3A95%2C"gen"%3A0}%2C{"name"%3A"XYZ"}%2C0%2C309.35%2Cnull]