Unable to find relationship surveys_campaigns

I’m getting many such errors in suitecrm.log after an upgrade to 7.10.9.
This on in particular when I send out a testmail (site stalls for a few minutes…)

What is the most probably source? Given this relationship is not a custom relationship it’s puzzling to me why that would be screwed up.

When you do a QR & R, if you scroll to the bottom, does it have a button to “sync vardefs”? If so, please press it.

You can also check the “fields_meta_data” table in the database, if there is any row mentioning that there. Then you can compare with a clean, fresh install system to see if it should be there or not.

In my system this is the only reference I find to that string “surveys_campaigns”:

modules/Campaigns/vardefs.php:281:                'relationship' => 'surveys_campaigns',

Coming across the same error when attempting create campaigns or emails from Suite with the error surveys_campaigns.

When I go to modules/Campaigns/vardefs.php:578 I find

 "survey" => array (
                'name' => 'survey',
                'type' => 'link',
                'relationship' => 'surveys_campaigns',
                'source' => 'non-db',
                'module' => 'Surveys',
                'bean_name' => 'Surveys',
                'vname' => 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_SURVEYS',
                'id_name' => 'survey_id',
                'side' => 'left',

In my server I cannot find LBL_CAMPAIGN_SURVEYS in my Campaigns or Surveys en_us.lang files.

Did you find a solution?

@Princeps Nihilo

I have it in

modules/Campaigns/vardefs.php:288:                'vname' => 'LBL_CAMPAIGN_SURVEYS',

Which version are you running? Do you have that label there?

I am running server 7.10.7 trying to upgrade to 7.10.10 to see if that resolves the issues, but I get the same error when I go into the Upgrade Wizard.

The label is missing from 7.10.10 too. Until this is fixed, maybe try adding it manually in


Just add inside the mod_strings array, at any position, something like:

    'LBL_CAMPAIGN_SURVEYS => 'Campaign-Surveys',

I suggest that conspicuous hyphen so that you can then spot the label on screen. We need to know where it shows, so we can decide what to actually write there :slight_smile:

Don’t forget to run a QR & R again and rebuild Javascript languages.

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