Add custom module in email modules Related to dropdown

Thanks in advance
Here I am trying to add my custom module to email modules Related to a dropdown, Here I add relation with email, but it does not work.
I have added the screenshot please find this.
Please help me.

In Studio go to your custom module

Add relationship to “Activities”

This is the Activities & History sub panels and can be linked with custom modules and also will add it to the “related to” dropdown :slight_smile:

Thank you for response,
but please suggest me what type of relationship add between custom module and Activity and History
Please describe sir . and here in dropdown editor there are not any “Related to” dropdown exist so where can i add option of my custom module

Add a One to Many

When you do this it will add the option to the dropdown

The dropdown name is something like parent_type_display

Thank you so much. now it’s working fine.

:slight_smile: Glad to hear