SuiteCRM Account Data Enrichment (Address, Turnover, Long Lat etc) - Qlik Reporting Temaplates


I am looking to establish if there is demand within the UK SuiteCRM community to enrich your Account data with address related content.

We are are working with a third party data provider and looking to find a market for such data.

The service will be able to provide accurate

Companies House Info
Address Info
Long Lat

This will mean that you can trade knowing that your are working off accurate information, reducing the amount of manual Account management.

In addition we can provide analytics over SuiteCRM Data using our Smarter.CRM application built for Sugar and now SuiteCRM (which we have used for 8 years). Built with QlikView and Qlik Sense. Ideally we’d like to provision templates and data as a service. Hence the request concerning demand.

Clearly any SuiteCRM user can contact us today regarding SuiteCRM reporting with Qlik


FYI Qlik Sense Cloud for Business can be used for FREE for a 30 Day Trial and is available from here to download.

Then you can build analytics over your SuiteCRM data

For info contact