Tpl inputs stores in database

Hello, I am new to suitecrm and I created custom tpl file for custom module that contains different tabs and forms under particular tab. now i want to store tpl inputs to database table

Can any one knows how custom tpl inputs stores in database??

Thank you

Why aren’t you doing your custom work from Studio and Module Builder? Why do it in tpls? These things are complex, they have many parts, but Studio does it for you.

I want to create tabs like Users Module->edit view like: profile,password ,advanced etc in my custom module that’s why i’m created custom tpls for my custom module and tabs and forms are now created but the problem is to save them in database. :slight_smile:

I fear your whole approach might be inappropriate.

If you want to make a test, use this technique

and then try making some simple changes to those views in Studio, and see what Studio does underneath: which files it creates or changes. You can also check what the Quick Repair does after the changes. With this information, you can try figuring out which files are responsible for the connection to the data layer, and how they do it (vardefs, etc).

If I were you, I would do it the other way around: I would start by doing everything in Studio, just add all the fields in one big view, and then approach the problem of splitting it into panels as a secondary problem.

Thank You pgr for reply.

I found the solution.
Here I shared my steps

First I created EditViewHeader.tpl & EditViewFooter.tpl then as u say I created fields via studio then sets field_name as a name in input tag in tpl file.
Then i created one controller file that extends sugarController in that create one action_save() method

 $bean = BeanFactory::getBean('m_My_Employees', $_REQUEST['record']);
           $bean->name_c = $_REQUEST['name_c'];
           $bean->description_c =$_REQUEST['description_c'];

This worked for me. :slight_smile: