I can no longer create Conditions in Reports

After upgrading, I can no longer create conditions in the Reports module !!!

Drag and drop of fields does not work.

Using Chrome on Mac OS

Works in Firefox for Mac OS :huh:

I have the same issue after upgrade to 7.10.2 where I am using Firefox in Ubuntu (59.01 64 bit on Ubuntu 16.10). It does work in Firefox on Windows 7. It did work fine in the prior version (7.9.?). I upgraded as I was unable to change dates in the calendar function throughout the system, of which this works great now after the upgrade.

The demo at https://demo.suiteondemand.com/ reports section using conditions works fine when using Firefox in Ubuntu as above. My install is on Ubuntu Server 16.04.3.



I’m also having issues with Chrome, but Win 10 Pro, not Mac OS X… cannot add conditions to reports.

SuiteCRM v7.10.2

I am having the same issue with Chrome OS 64.0.3282.190 and Chrome 65.0.3325.181 Windows 10. Also the Drop parenthesis are not working.

I think I came across this issue a few weeks ago and it does work if you click the condition instead of trying to drag and drop.

I’m having the same issue in several of my SuiteCRM installations. Can drag and drop on any browser.