Is it possible to show a weighted pipeline report/chart?

New to SuiteCRM. I’ve been doing some digging but can’t find a specific on visualising our weighted pipeline.

I want to build two reports - weighted and unweighted. Weighted being the probability of closing (deal stage percentage) * Deal value = Weighted value

Is there out of the box functionality in SuiteCRM to do this?


The opportunities module does have a field for Probability. But I don’t know if it’s enough to do the math you need, you might have to add some customization.

Try playing around with the different available dashlets, there are some graphical pipelines there.

Then you can also go into the Reports module and try to do what you need there. You can place any report you come up with on a Dashlet on the front page, for convenience.

Thanks for the reply. I’ve been reading this obviously for a the older CRM but I’m interested to see if rather than creat a new probability percentage field if I can use the one that is already in place and is automatically tied to deal stage.

Any ideas?

Also, has the ability to add a forumla (as mentioned in that above link) been removed in SuiteCRM?

No, it wasn’t in SugarCRM CE, so it didn’t go into SuiteCRM. It was only in the payed versions.

Meanwhile, SuiteCRM got the addition of Calculated Fields in workflows. But only in Workflows.