Create a Report that shows Contact birthdates sorted by month?

Or can I filter the Contacts List by their birth month?

If you can’t find that possibility in Reports (I don’t know if it’s there), you could use an auxiliary field called Month. You could then use it for the Reports, or to filter other views.

This field can be filled with a logic_hook, or (maybe easier) with a Workflow: whenever you save those records, you set the Month field to match whatever is in the Birthdate.

Check the section on Workflow “Calculated Fields” here:

Thanks for your reply, pgr. Unfortunately I can’t find the possibility in Reports. There is a way to Filter Contacts by Birth date but it only sees the year. No month or day so if I Filter by Next 30 Days it sees nothing because everyone in the Contact list was born before this year. Any help with creating a module or fields that would allow me to do this so I can see which clients have a birthday coming up next month would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!

Are you a PHP developer? My answer above offers some clues, but it would help if you were able to write a logic_hook, or get someone to do it for you.

Hi pgr-
No. I am not a php developer. I would gladly pay someone to do it for me. Can you recommend anybody?

I recommend SalesAgility :slight_smile:

Is this your only requirement or are you looking to include other requirements?