Export All

I am having doubts as to whether I can use SuiteCRM. The bugs, complexities, and inconsistencies are hard to swallow for many of my employees. I would like to export everything for import into another system.
Is there an export function?

SuiteCRM is a complex system. Before implementing it one should study it, test it, customise it.

If you just install it hoping everything goes the way you would like to, you will have problems here and everywhere else.

Read the manual and find out how to export data. It is very easy.

Similarly, read the manual, then train your users, and avoid “bugs”, “inconsistencies”, “complexities”, as well as mere wishes for things that the system doesn’t actually do.

SuiteCRM is very complete and complex indeed. There are also weak aspects. However it offers huge possibilities for customisations and it’s free. You only have to understand how it works and how to make it work for your own needs. But this is not free: this requires time. Your time! Such as the time to read the manual and realise one of the simplest functionalities: exporting data.

By the way: it is perfectly legitimate to abandon a system for another and receive help for doing so. However there are different ways to ask for help.

No sure what you mean by “Different ways to ask for help.” Have I been rude?
This board has been very helpful and I appreciate it.

Your phrase implied in some way that the system is not good or, possibly worse than not good.
You didn’t say it and you were not rude, but this is what can be read between the lines, and I don’t think it deserves it.

Regarding export all:
there are a few ways to export all the data:

  1. use the export functionality available within the system
    Go to each module that contains data you want to export (accounts, contacts, etc, …)

In the list view, search for all the records then select all

Click on the next menu and select “Export”

Once done you will get a .csv file of all selected records
If you have too many records this may fail due to system limitations, so you may have to export a few at a time. Possibly you will have to play with the number of records displayed in the list view to make this task easier

  1. export the database tables from phpmyadmin
    in this case you can select the tables yoou want to export.
    Before you proceed I recommend that you have alook at the database schema (check here for SugarCRM CE 6.5: 23: http://apidocs.sugarcrm.com/schema/6.5.23/ce/index.html)

  2. write a php script that collects all the data that you want
    This may be simple or complicated. It really depend on what you want to export. For example, if you have created many relationships it may be a little tedious to write the script, but, once you understand it for one, it should straightforward to replicate it for other modules or relationships

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Hi all,

I thought it will be helpful. Here is very straightforward SuiteCRM plugin to export data from any listview or any report to .xlsx format. https://store.suitecrm.com/search/1/suite2excel/