Theme redesign in the future?

Hello everyone,

Will there ever be theme design improvements overall?
If you compare it to freshworks, zohocrm, or even paid sugarcrm, their themes look so much lighter and more professional overall. The spacings are also even and all the details look professional, where as in suitecrm, there is a lot of design flaws, the dashboard looks heavy and not professional, also a lot of spacings look crooked and it just doesn’t look finished. I understand it’s opensource but I think through all this time it could be much better.

Will there me any improvements on this?

There was a Blog post recently that addressed this

This is already looking better.

I was actually on the verge on moving to a commercial crm. Particularly FreshSales, only because their UI is SO easy to use, and the process of leading the Lead all the way from lead to client is so easy and smooth. You can also quickly drop a note in a lead, opportunity, or client that you’re working on. This was one of the main reasons I had to consider something else, because SuiteCRM UI was just not smooth. And I’m coming from using SuteCRM for 2 years, constantly contributing in the forums, reporting a few bugs that were fixed in the updated releases, and overall liking SuiteCRM very much. Just came to a point where I need to make sure my employees actually want to use it as well. And to make your employees use it, it has to be extremely intuitive and easy to use.

So hopefully in version 8 we’ll see some UI and overall process improvements. I’ll hold of on transitioning to another one.

These are some points I’d love to get addressed hopefully:

  1. Redesign the main dashboard to make it look lighter and have some intuitive tools, not just dashlets that are all the same.
  2. Get rid of those dark and fat dashlet headers above each dashlet. Please. Just check how other crms design their dashlets.
  3. Please, if it’s possible, make it possible to quickly drop a note for a lead, opportunity, account, etc. Without having to create a whole separate entity in the related subpanels. It’s just so not convenient.

I know it’s too much to ask for, but if it’s going to be improved over time we might be able to stay with SuiteCRM forever.