The User Experience Is What Matters - A Roadmap To Improving Color/Colour Fonts

There’s a lot more to the colors than simply regulations (which in itself is a significant issue as expressed by some) that may not be followed. There’s the serious question of efficiency in the workplace, along with the user experience.

If employees are frustrated because it feels like the entire day is an eye performance test that they’re failing, or perhaps of even greater weight for the folks at SuiteCRM, if there’s fear that it will receive employee backlash, less firms will be inclined to try it. That’s a bad result for everyone other than those using a different solution.

This forum took a turn in the right direction. I was a vocal critic of the usability, and I’m a typical business owner (no better or worse eyesight than your typical decision maker). The somewhat darker gray on a slightly lighter gray background was infuriating. Often I was already not happy (why else come to the board seeking help if I was), and afterwards on the forum I was ready to break something (and I don’t break things out of frustration).

The forum should have a larger font size, albeit that in itself doesn’t fully provide enough information so I’m going to provide examples.

Please take a look at, and if you’re going to, you might as well take a look at this piece —>

Here’s another great example of what to strive for —>

Here’s another perfect example —>

Notice the size of the print. The three sites have print that is easily, quickly, and read WITHOUT a struggle or strain on the eyes.

These are some of the most profitable per pageview websites in the world. The ad rates for finance and sports are the highest in the industry, so these sites HAVE to get it right and not turn off the readers.

The print is crisp and clear. Designed to minimize stress on the eyes and to make the experience as wonderful as possible. The contrast is sharp.

I’m using articles and examples I wrote not to brag, albeit to demonstrate I know what I’m talking about. I’ve attended toooooooo many editor’s meetings to not know what works and what doesn’t.

Any movement/adjustment away from the above lowers the usability and increases the strain on the eyes for the decision makers and full-time users of SuiteCRM.

You may think your gray on gray, along with the light red with non-white text in the middle for buttons looks great, cool, and modern, albeit you’re shooting yourself in the foot IMHO. What you’re producing is a work tool. In order for users to select it over the many other choices, your solution has to be in their opinion the best overall option to pick. That’s important to note, because what SuiteCRM isn’t (or shouldn’t be) is a work of art.


As a business owner, I don’t care what color or how cool it is. What I care about is productivity and staff feedback. If you still think I’m off base, try making some videos that are less than 1080 and place them on Youtube and see how easy the interface looks.

I may sound harsh, albeit my motivation is to help in your success. I have way too many things to do today other than post to this forum about colors etc… I want SuiteCRM to prosper and live, not die. A critical mass of users is key to success, and it doesn’t take much to lose that (just ask Blackberry if you’re wondering).

With that, I’ll leave you with one final site It’s mine and it’s all about ease of reading. It’s also likely the most popular insurance agency site in my area.


You are so right. I’ve been using these forums very intensively (to say the least) and I very quickly turned to a Firefox extension called Stylish (now renamed Stylus) to replace CSS on this site. I see a blacker, larger font, and I change a bunch of other spacing issues.

Of, course, it would be better to make these changes for everyone. I am really glad about the changes recently made here and I will be lobbying for more soon. :slight_smile:

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Some valid points about readability, but I would argue that a CRM page showing your customer data is a different animal to the web page of an article or newspaper.

Staff familiar with the layout of your CRM’s pages are usually going to appreciate something that is readable but also compact enough to avoid having to scroll around and between pages to find information, especially when handling customer phone calls. Navigation becomes more a function of the eyes knowing instinctively where to look.

I cannot tell you the number of customer service calls I have made (as the customer), where I hear something like … “Just one moment, let me get over to that page” or “I’m sorry for the delay … my system is running slow, today”. As a business owner, all those delays are costing you money.

As mentioned elsewhere, an admission by SA was that the Suite P theme was commissioned by an independent designer … who obviously had little idea or did little UI/UX research into how CRM software is typically used. Hence the spaced –out, modernistic, red/grey pastel design that might “wow” in a CEO demo or trade show booth, but not very practical in the workplace.

The dictum of modern design schools appears to be “readability be damned … NO primary or contrasty colours”!

As you said, SuiteCRM is a work tool.

The best tools are usually refined over-time to best fit their purpose.

SuiteCRM is getting there!