Cannot Save and Deploy new list view

Can anyone point me in the right direction to fix issues updating views in studio and errors after upgrade?

  1. Administration > Studio > Opportunities > Layouts > List View

  2. Revise Default fields

  3. Save and Deploy

  4. Popup display “undefined undefined”

  5. Upgraded from 7.9.x to 7.10.7

  6. Ran quick repair and rebuild

  7. Tried to Save and Deply new List View for Opportunities

  8. Popup display “undefined undefined”

  9. Checked error log:

[FATAL] log call at: modules/Administration/index.tpl:54 - MY_FRAME is not set

  1. Rebuild JS Files (JS Languages, Compressed Files, JS Grouping Files, Minified JS Files, JS Files) all returned - response = “undefined”
  2. Checked error log:

FATAL] log call at: modules/Administration/index.tpl:54 - MY_FRAME is not set

Are you using a German language pack?

There’s another similar case here

1 Like

No I am only using the English Language pack.

I noticed this in that thread you linked to:

How do I check that? I just completed an upgrade to 7.10.7, so I would assume the language was updated with it?

I downloaded and installed the English Language pack from the link provided:

$manifest = array( 
	'name' => 'English (United Kingdom)',
	'description' => 'Translation:',
	'type' => 'langpack',
	'is_uninstallable' => 'Yes',
	'acceptable_sugar_versions' =>
		  array (),
	'acceptable_sugar_flavors' =>
	'author' => 'SuiteCRM Community',
	'version' => '',
	'published_date' => '2018-04-27',

Did Quick Repair and Rebuild.
Logged out / IN
No change.


Can you please check if that error is appearing when you deploy, or simply when you show the Admin page? I think those errors are a false positive, they don’t mean anything important.

But there could be other more important messages (perhaps nor FATAL) when you deploy?

If you open a separate SSH window to your server you can track the logs “live” with

tail -f suitecrm.log

or filter it for only what you want

tail -f suitecrm.log | grep -i 'fatal\|error'

That “-i” makes it case-insensitive, and that “|” means OR, so you can list several different keywords.


It was web server settings. I made 2 changes (for future reference):

Serve static files directly by nginx

ac3 avi bmp bz2 css cue dat doc docx dts eot exe flv gif gz htm html ico img iso jpeg jpg js mkv mp3 mp4 mpeg mpg ogg pdf png ppt pptx qt rar rm svg swf tar tgz ttf txt wav woff woff2 xls xlsx zip
location ~* \.(js|jpg|jpeg|gif|png|css|tgz|gz|rar|bz2|doc|pdf|ppt|tar|wav|bmp|rtf|swf|ico|flv|txt|woff|woff2|eot|svg|ttf|xml|xsl)$ {
	expires 30d;
	add_header Pragma public;
	add_header Cache-Control "public, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate";
	try_files $uri @fallback;

if (!-e $request_filename) {
	rewrite ^.*$ /index.php last;
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This is worth using I have tried it.

I am going to send code to the company that manages suitecrm for us. What were the two changes that you made?

I am able to change the list view for other modules, it just wont change for one particular module.

And another issue which may be separate, under layouts, edit view, I am unable to to rename the tabs. Any help is greatly appreciated.
