Install language package

I’m using SuiteCRM Comunity Edition and I´m trying to install the spanish language pack but it doesn´t work
It shows following error

“ZIP Error(0): Status(9): Arhive(upload:// Directory(C:\Users\Computador\AppData\Local\Temp\1745.tmp)”

Please i need to translate this version of SugarCRM

Hi cliceduca,

Spanish is already included in SuiteCRM, so there is really no need to install the spanish language pack.

The reason why it didn’t work is because you probably got it from Github. In this case, you need to

  • extract the zip
  • enter into the base directory (it should contain the file manifest.php)
  • create a new zip from this directory, so that the base directory is omitted.

Hola cliceduca,

Español ya está incluido en SuiteCRM, y por eso no hace falta instalar el language pack en español

La razon que no functionaba es porque probablemente descargaste de Github. En este caso hay que:

  • extraer el zip
  • entrar en la carpeta base (tiene que contener el archivo manifest.php)
  • crear un nuevo archivo zip de esta carpeta, así que omites la carpeta base