Member of field is not updating while inline edit


When I am typing the account name and saving it is not working.

Edit Type = Inline Edit

Field Name = Memberof

View Type = Detail View.

Here I am sharing video link please watch for further reference.


Which version is this?

Have you tried it on the live demo?

Version 7.11.4

That field does not exist in Accounts. That is a customization you made. So maybe the issue is with the module you’re relating to, or something not quite right about the way you customized (was it in Studio? Or done in PHP?)


I haven’t created this field I just set it in edit view of accounts module, this field is present there.

was it in Studio? = Yes

Ashish Negi

If you give me more precise information, we can make this faster :wink:

I can’t find a “member of” fleld in Studio --> Accounts module. Can you tell me the exact name of the field?

Did you add it both in Detail and Edit views?


Here I am sharing a video please watch for further reference.


Ashish Negi

Thanks, i was able to confirm the bug now… can you please open an issue on GitHub for this (if you can’t find it there yet)?