SuiteCRM JSON API unhelpful errors returned from cURL request


I’m getting some annoyingly not-very-useful errors returned when trying to import a data record with a related opportunity.

Here it is:

        "title":"JSON API Error",
        "detail":"Please ensure you fill in the fields required",
        "message":"The property errors is not defined and the definition does not allow additional properties",
        "title":"JSON API Error",
        "detail":"JSON API Error occured.",

        "message":"The property data is required",
        "title":"JSON API Error",
        "detail":"JSON API Error occured.",

        "message":"NULL value found, but an object is required",
        "title":"JSON API Error",
        "detail":"JSON API Error occured.",

        "message":"NULL value found, but a string is required",
        "title":"JSON API Error",
        "detail":"JSON API Error occured.",

        "message":"Failed to match exactly one schema",
        "title":"JSON API Error",
        "detail":"JSON API Error occured.",

        "message":"Integer value found, but a string is required",
        "title":"JSON API Error",
        "detail":"JSON API Error occured.",

        "message":"Integer value found, but a string is required",
        "title":"JSON API Error",
        "detail":"JSON API Error occured.",

        "message":"NULL value found, but a string is required",
        "title":"JSON API Error",
        "detail":"JSON API Error occured.",

        "message":"NULL value found, but a string is required",
        "title":"JSON API Error",
        "detail":"JSON API Error occured.",

        "message":"Failed to match exactly one schema",
        "title":"JSON API Error",
        "detail":"JSON API Error occured.",


Sorry for posting the whole error log, but it might help to make sense of it.

Firstly, none of the fields are null; all are strings in the JSON packet.

Secondly, I’ve switched off all of the required fields in our UAT version.

What I’m trying to do is to migrate a contact record with an opportunity record. So I need to create the Contact and Opportunity together?

I am able to create each record separately.

Looking at the not-very-helpful documentation for the JSON API, I think I’ve got the JSON structure right when trying to import the record.

Could someone provide an example of creating a new contact record and opportunity record in SuiteCRM using the API and relating both so that I know where I’m going wrong.

Many thanks,


I don’t have an example ready but I think you should create the two records separately and then join them by creating a relationship. Something like:

POST v8/modules/Accounts …
POST v8/modules/Opportunities …
PATCH v8/modules/Accounts//relationships/opportunities data: { “id”: <opportunity_id>, type: “Opportunity” }