17 -18 Dec SuiteCRM Event - Pull Request Party! UPDATE

Everyone loves a good party whether you are a wall-flower or like dancing on the tables you can’t deny that parties bring people together. And what better way to apply this force of like minded people towards an activity that would benefit everyone using SuiteCRM and that is merging pull requests.

So the idea is simple – let’s work together to lower the number of pull requests (PRs) on the SuiteCRM repo by doing some serious pruning – we either merge, work on it, or close it!

[color=#ff0088][size=5]Participation Details[/size][/color]

So what kind of things can you do as part of the pull request party?

---- If you are a user – you could help triage and confirm pull requests work, share your experience to the pull requests and contribute your feedback
---- If you are a developer – you could fix bugs within pull requests, provide code reviews, and also test. If you are really adventurous you could provide tests to add to the our SuiteCRM test suite!
---- If you are a writer – you could identify in the pull requests how the documentation could be improved

What do you need to do to participate?

---- If you are new and haven’t helped out with bugs or pull requests before you might want to take a look at how to contribute or get involved on the SuiteCRM github repo by registering a github account.
---- Access to a test instance to alter code or able to pull down pull requests via your SuiteCRM fork.
---- Spread the word!

[color=#ff0088][size=5]Participation Rules[/size][/color]

Not a developer?
There will be some level of technical knowledge required in order to test pull requests but feel free to ask and we will help you set up. Once you are all set up to test then the following list may be a helpful start:

---- Search for any issue with label “Fix Proposed” and test the linked pull request.
---- Share your experience on any pull request confirming that it works by commenting “Community Assessed”. If the pull request does not provide the solution expected then comment the steps you took and any screenshots would be most helpful.
---- Help the core team with triaging the pull requests – identifying the pull requests that have more than 2 “Community Assessed” and ready to be merged.
---- Comment on “Community Assessed” PRs that documentation is required to assist users

However if you feel that you are unable to test pull requests before they are merged you are more than welcome to test after they have been merged by using our pre-production test site to demonstrate the latest features in the develop branch. Any pull requests merged into ‘hotfix’ will be frequently merged into ‘develop’ throughout the party

[color=#ff0088]You’re a developer?[/color]
As well as the activities suggested for testers you can take your contributions a step further:
---- Help code review pull requests by following our coding standards and identify best practises
---- Work with the core team to supply tests to the test suite for particular pull requests
---- See a bug in a PR that hasn’t been fixed make a commit!

[color=#ff0088]In order to successfully merge a pull request we ask for the following:[/color]
---- Minimum of 2 community members confirm the pull request works as expected
---- At least a core team member has code reviewed it
---- Travis CI is passing

For our decision on PR merges, we will consider security, performance, code quality, interest to the general community. Please bear in mind that we will also keep other things in consideration for these decisions, the need to manage our internal resources, respond to internal solicitations, the overall SuiteCRM product goals (i.e. Suite 8)

[color=#ff0088]Join the discussion![/color]

As well as the SalesAgility team will be active on the SuiteCRM github repo we will be inviting people to a SuiteCRM public channel. SalesAgility members will be available to help between the hours of 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM GMT to help people triage, test or provide live feedback on particular pull requests.

Participation Rewards![/size][/color]

To get pull request party goodies you must perform specific actions within the event’s time period (17th - 18th December 2018) that translate into points. These points accumulate until you have reached your own personal goal – whether that be a particular pull request you are itching to get merged or a SuiteCRM t-shirt!

Activities reported by SalesAgility as spam, automated or in some way more of a hindrance than helping will be marked as invalid and won’t count towards your total number of points. There are restrictions on the number of prizes per person (subject to availability).

[td][color=#ff0088]Points granted[/color][/td]
[td]Test and verify bug fix pull requests[/td]
[td]15 points for each 5 Prs[/td]
[td]Test and verify enhancement pull requests[/td]
[td]10 points for each 5 Prs[/td]
[td]Supply an acceptance test for any PR[/td]
[td]20 points for each PR provided, 5 points there after the 5th PR[/td]
[td]Participated in an PR that was successfully merged[/td]
[td]2 points per PR[/td]
[td]Author of pull request that was successfully merged[/td]
[td]25 points for each PR, 5 points there after the 5th PR[/td]

Do contributions made outside of GitHub count?

No, only pull requests on the SuiteCRM github repo count.

[td][color=#ff0088]Points to achieve[/color][/td]
[td]Custom forum Ranking
[td]200 points[/td]

We will use the email address of your Github account to send out an email of your accumulative points after the event had ended. These emails will go out in batches but if you don’t receive an email by 7th January 2019, please let us know at community[at]suitecrm[dot]com

You will receive another email once your reward(s) have been shipped. We will aim to have all the orders processed by end of January 2019 (Please note: receiving your items can take up 3 – 5 weeks for international orders).

If you require additional information, please send us an email at community[at]suitecrm[dot]com or post on this forum thread!


I’m curious what the ‘Public Channel’ we’ll be invited to will look like, and whether it will be an ongoing thing. I hang out in IRC all the time, but there’s very little activity on #suitecrm@freenode.

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Hey Benjamin! We are looking to something for the time being until somewhere more permanent but we are considering gitter or slack. It would be fabulous to be using IRC as I’m an old user myself :wink: Perhaps we can come together and discuss the pros and cons then. :smiley:

Good Morning Everyone!

Please join SalesAgility team on the gitter community channel for the 2 day Pull Request Party!


See you there!