Adding COST price to Quote line items

Good Evening,

I’m struggling with another issue…

We need to be able to add custom Cost amounts to the quotes line items (our cost is never the same, so standard product cost is not efficient)
I see the Cost is in line items module in Studio, but can’t seem to add it to our quotes, also want to see the profit

The Vision is the see Sales Price, Cost Price and the Profit so that it can be added to list view for easy overview of Profits expecting - We’d then to create sales report according the Profit for a certain User, according to quote /sales stage etc.

Please Please Please assist me
I have a deadline to finish the set-ups, but I’m really strugling

Your help/guidance would be very much appreciated

What you’re asking isn’t simple. I don’t think you can do that without extensive custom programming the Quotes module. There is a thread on here of someone trying to add more fields to the quote line items.

Then you’re going to have the challenge of displaying the quote line items.

Hi Paul,

Just want to get your input on this link -

Do think this theory would assist my needs as per original post?


That looks like the general idea. It’s too bad I see in the link I posted the guy removed his code. He originally had the solution there. Long story short, once you solve the problem of including the field on the front end, you still have to figure out how to report on it. I tried yesterday to produce a report of quote line items with cost vs price and didn’t have much luck.