Email alerts to (Contacts & Leads) Meetings & Call

Hello Guys

A client I have is having issues around sending email alerts to Contacts & Leads

When you invite a Contact or Lead to a meeting or call and click “Save & Send Invites”

If users are added to the meeting or call the email alert is sent with no problems, but nothing is sent for Contacts & Leads

(The record does not have opt out ticked, all email settings seem to be working for sending alerts to users)

Any suggestions?


Hi Taufique,

I have tested this and it seems to send an email to a contact added as an invitee. Is it a valid email address?



I cannot be sure with my clients system but I also tested this on our CRM and I received nothing to my Gmail account which is a valid email ?

Will do some more tests linking Contacts

Hi Taufique,

Have you tried testing this on a localhost instance with standard IMAP set up? This issue may be linked to google mail and how it handles mail.



Okay thanks again