Upgrade of integrated modules

Hey Will;
Noticing that an upgrade of JJWDesign’s Google maps was recently released, it brought a question to mind. What is the best practice for upgrading a module like that. Wait for a release upgrade on SuiteCRM? Or is it ok to just upgrade the module without future consequences?

And while that may not be an issue as yet, I can see where it will need to be taken into consideration in the future as other improvements evolve in the fork.

Hi Daryl,

Currently you should be able to upgrade modules within SuiteCRM in the same manner as you would with standard SugarCRM. We would advise you fully back up your instance before doing so. You are correct that, in the future, the SuiteCRM fork may change but for the next few releases we plan to stay coherent and compatible with SugarCRM CE versions/upgrades.

