Modules and Documents


My question is in two parts.

  1. I want a record created in one custom module to create a record in another automatically.
  2. I want to be able to create a PDF from that record

(Info Input) Potential Agent -->(Info from Potential Agent)Compliance -->Generate PDF from Compliance Information.

Is this understandable? Any help received with thanks


For the first part, you can do it with Workflows.

If you are a developer and want more control over the process, then you would use an after_save logic hook.

About the automatic PDF, I don’t think you’ll find that directly in SuiteCRM, but there are PDF Templates that you can use (for the Generate Letter option in some modules). And there are reports. Try to find the feature that looks closest to what you want, and then work from there.

Use Google to find out more about these things I mention, there are articles about them.

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As always Pgr - Thank you

Nope - Can’t figure it out. I’m totally confused :blink: