Global Search not working

Hi guys…i’m new with sugarcrm i’m using 7.1.1 on windows 2008 server and mysql. i created custome mudules with custome field and followed this post to enable global search for any custom field created. the custom module are added to global search from admin>globalsearch and the AOD setting is enabled. but no success.
withing the module i’m able to performe search but not from global search.

any help please!!!

NB: no cron are running “coulden’t find out how to set it up on windows” is it has anything to d with this issue

Hi there,

If your cron is not setup, the AOD scheduler and other schedulers won’t run. AOD needs to index the records to be able to populate search results. I would suggest you disable AOD which will show the standard SugarCRM/SuiteCRM search until you are able to set up your instance to index the records for AOD.



Thnak you will…desabling the AOD setting and enabling the custom modules for the global search allowed me to use global search and get some results displayed.
However, the global search displays results only if I type the name field, any other custom fields dosn’t display any results.
how can i acheave this please? If it need the AOD enabled for this feature, Please direct me to a link for how to set up the cron on windows please!
Thank you!!

The Cron batch file is killing me guys;
from the admin>scheduler i put all the 11 jobs to inactive and kept only 2 jobs to active ( Perform lucene Index and Optimize AOD Index ) just the jobs required for the AOD to work in global search.
i created a cron batch file with the following lines:
cd c:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\v5.3
php-cgi.exe -f c:\suitecrm\cron.php

I tested these two line with cmd prompt and the out put was cron.php is CLI Only
i find in some threads that the workaround for this issue is to comment out these lines from the cron.php file with // as follows:
//$sapi_type = php_sapi_name();
//if (substr($sapi_type, 0, 3) !=‘cli’) {
// sugar_die(“cron.php is CLI only.”);

When running with the cmd prompt don’t show any message, nothing in the log file but the windows task scheduler resluts is (0xFF) after each time is excuted.
Now. i don’t know if the cron is running or not and if this setup is correct and nothing is missing?
can anyone tried this cron on windows help me please!

Recently upgraded to SuiteCRM 7.9.4, no global search. Both the Lucene and Optimise AOD Index jobs appear to be running HOWEVER i have found the following in my Suite log files:

Fri Jul 21 10:48:01 2017 [4169][1][DEBUG] ----->Scheduler did NOT find valid job (Perform Lucene Index) for time GMT(2017-07-21 00:48:00)
Fri Jul 21 10:48:01 2017 [4169][1][DEBUG] ----->Schedulers->deriveDBDateTimes() got an object of type: Scheduler
Fri Jul 21 10:48:01 2017 [4169][1][DEBUG] ----->got * day
Fri Jul 21 10:48:01 2017 [4169][1][DEBUG] ----->got * months
Fri Jul 21 10:48:01 2017 [4169][1][DEBUG] ----->got * dates
Fri Jul 21 10:48:01 2017 [4169][1][DEBUG] Constraints: start: 2015-01-01 07:45:01 from: 1970-01-01 00:00:00 end: 2017-07-22 00:48:02 to: 2017-07-22 00:48:02 now: 2017-07-21 00:48:01
Fri Jul 21 10:48:01 2017 [4169][1][DEBUG] ----->Scheduler did NOT find valid job (Optimise AOD Index) for time GMT(2017-07-21 00:48:00)
Fri Jul 21 10:48:01 2017 [4169][1][DEBUG] ----->Schedulers->deriveDBDateTimes() got an object of type: Scheduler
Fri Jul 21 10:48:01 2017 [4169][1][DEBUG] ----->got * day
Fri Jul 21 10:48:01 2017 [4169][1][DEBUG] ----->got * months
Fri Jul 21 10:48:01 2017 [4169][1][DEBUG] ----->got * dates
Fri Jul 21 10:48:01 2017 [4169][1][DEBUG] ----->got * hours
Fri Jul 21 10:48:01 2017 [4169][1][DEBUG] ----->got * mins
Fri Jul 21 10:48:01 2017 [4169][1][DEBUG] Constraints: start: 2015-01-01 07:45:01 from: 1970-01-01 00:00:00 end: 2017-07-22 00:48:02 to: 2017-07-22 00:48:02 now: 2017-07-21 00:48:01

If I navigate to index.php?module=AOD_Index I get a total records of 4699. indexed records 8268. unindexed records -3569, failed records 4, index file count 4, last optimised 29/06/2017 and if I press the Optimise Now button I get a blank screen returned

Any thoughts on how to get the Global search working again would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time and patience

Following on from my previous post - I upgraded to 7.9.4 on a devel installation. It fixed some bugs but NOT the global search and documents problems. Following some trouble shooting (log files etc.) I came to the opinion that some files were not fully migrated/updated in the upgrade, files in the include folder. I replaced the include folder using the folder from the installation download, ran an Admin Quick Repair. Both modules still did not work. I set file/folder permissions to 777 over the ENTIRE installation, BOTH modules functioned as they should - repeat BOTH global search AND documents worked. I reset the file/folder permissions to the SuiteCRM recommended, ran Admin Quick Repair - BOTH modules stopped working

Has anyone got ANY idea what permissions on what folders could possibly be causing this to happen? I am currently running the following command to set all my permissions/ownership - thanks for any assistance you can give me

find /mysuitecrminstallfolder -type d -exec chmod 755 {} ; && find /mysuitecrminstallfolder -type f -exec chmod 664 {} ; && chmod -R 775 custom modules themes data upload config_override.php && chmod -R 777 cache && chown -R bitnami:bitnami *

I have developed a plugin for a better/faster way of searches. just google like box, type in and results are appearing.

Easy configuration options with an option of modules with search criteria like include anywhere or exact matches