Moved dev to production

Hey everyone,

Once I finished setting everything up on my local machine, it was time to move it to the dev/staging server.

sudo scp -r SuiteCRM-7.7.4/ tabdelmonem@nameOfServer:/var/www/html

Logged into mysql to import the db

source /home/tabdelmonem/suitecrm2.sql;

Everything went smooth, expect when I go to http:///SuiteCRM-7.7.4/index.php - I receive a blank page with a 500 error under the network tab of the inspector

I have set a test.html page in /var/www/html directory and it works just fine.

Do I have to reinstall suitecrm from scratch?

Thanks in advance

You have to perform at t least the following things:

  1. Reset permissions, owner ond group (this depends on the system you are on)
  2. Edit config.php and update host_name, site_url and other the references to the old url or folders with the new ones
  3. Update the database information in config.php ('db_host_name, db_user_name, db_password, db_name, db_type)
  4. Edit .htaccess and update the references to the old folder
  5. Login as Admin and perform a Quick Repair and Rebuild, possibly more than once
  6. Log out
  7. Reset permissions again
  8. Now you should be able to use it

Possibly you will also have to clear the browser cache

For more information search the forum: there are plenty of posts on the argument.

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Thanks for responding @amariussi,

Yeah, the host_name was one of the pieces to the puzzle

The dev machine is CentOS 6.x:

sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/network

add the <host_name> with

Since I didn’t run the installer, then I did not know what suitecrm was missing. Of course, after I got tired of things not working, I went to run the installer once more, which let me know what was going on.

 sudo yum install mysql-server
 sudo /sbin/service mysqld start
 sudo /usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation
 sudo yum install php-mbstring
 sudo chmod -R 777 custom/
 sudo chmod -R 777 modules/
 sudo chmod -R 777 upload/
 sudo yum install php-imap
 sudo vi /etc/php.ini
 max_execution_time = 2000
 max_input_time = 60
 post_max_size = 120M
 upload_max_filesize = 40M
 sudo apachectl restart

Once the installer was ready to go, I checked suitecrm once more and it was all there. All the users, accounts, contacts, etc…

Thank you once more for your help :cheer: