RTL theme

I’ve created an RTL theme. That was essentially quite easy - has to convert float:right->left / flaot:left->/text-align… and left/right padding/margin/border mostly in style.css and in yui.css
BUT there was a problem with list views and dashlets. This is due to hardcoded align markup in many of tpls.
Those needs to be converted into classes - so they could be changed by css.
For now I’ve just changed $params.align default - but this is wrong practice.

another option - now adapted by sugarCRM - is data-type - but this is a large change to architecture - so for now I think just getting rid of hardcoded align would be fine.


Hi raqy,

I, and I’m sure others, are greatly interested in the theme/how it looks/how it’s been built. Will you be releasing this to the community or will it be a paid for extension?



Hi Will and all,

I’m still working on this RTL theme.
As mentioned, the main problem is the hardcoded align, float and other commands that impact directionality.
I’m adding new files in custom library to fix that replacing all those with css classes. Thus, all direction changes would be made through css.
The problem is that every now and than I’m entering a screen I’ve not visited before and find more hardcoded command issues.
As implied, some css classes should be added to default theme too.

I wonder whether I should add files in custom lib. or report all instances of hardcoded commands to be fix at the core structure of the system.
Currently I do use custom lib, to avoid problem when upgrading.


Hi there,

If you are modifying views etc, it’s best to do this in custom currently. I will look forward to your theme/testing it if you release it to the community.



Are there any news on this ?

check wwwroot/cache/themes/yourtheme/css/style.css
and try editing this file,
also using ‘!important’ could help.

Can you please mention the file names with their path, I am also developing RTL theme.