BUG - Dynamic drop-down not behaving as expected when rendered in the Search Panel Layout.

Environment - Version 7.7.4 | Sugar Version 6.5.24 (Build 509)


  1. Define a new dynamic drop down (e.g. product sub-category) with parent as product category.
  2. Edit the ‘Edit’ Product page layout to have these two fields.
  3. Also edit the ‘Basic Search’ layout to have these two fields.

The dynamic drop-down behaves perfectly fine when rendered on the Edit Product page. The values appear on the basis of the selected parent value.

But it fails to behave the same way in the Search Panel on the View Product page. It loads all the sub category values irrespective of what parent value was selected.

Hi, Can you replicate this on our demo instance? https://suitecrm.com/demo
If you can, can you please post this on GitHub so our developers can investigate further :slight_smile: